-Added new Custom Boss 50% Spawn chance on Dungeon3 PVP Server Only 10PM GMT+8 (Queen of Darkness)
Queen of darkness drop:
*Mastery box
*Random count of Golden Sentence
*Random Errtel (Anger~Radiance) Random ups from +1 to +7
*Random Old PVP Accesories +2~+4
*Artifact 5~7 (low chance)
-Added new drop ingame (Chaos Purple Box)
*Random low season exc set
*Mysterious stone
*Random Exc. Divine weapon
*Steel of heaven
-xShop silver key disabled
-Elemental PVP Damage increased from 50% to 60%
-Boss config changed from damage invest to last hit
-Added Red Chaos Box drop on ignis map
*Red Chaos box drops random apocalypse parts with random chance of luck